Форум » По английскому » Мне надр.форуме сказали что я не правильно перевела. А в англ.не понимаю вообще, помогите, кто может » Ответить

Мне надр.форуме сказали что я не правильно перевела. А в англ.не понимаю вообще, помогите, кто может

lidiy.90: 1.Speech of president is today commented in all newspapers. 2. To this article allude everywhere. 3. here of children care well. 4. With many of these defects did away already. 5. This problem was never touched in local newspapers. 6. About him well answer and it not surprisingly, he is always ready to come for help. 7. About beginning beginning building agreed only yesterday. 8. On the results of this experiment it is possible to be put. 9. From a bad weather was to leave all attemps to continue researches. 10. Reason of failure was so not found out.

Ответов - 1

OlgaMenshova: Любая работа стоит денег.

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